Spacious family home for sale in the Karoo. Large three bedroom family home with a 1.5 bathroom, study, large kitchen with scullery and separate washroom, large open living- and dining area. This home also offers a one bedroom, one bathroom and kitchen flatlet. There are two garages with a bathroom and two carports. Spacious garden with a borehole ...
This amazing piece of paradise is hiding in the middle of the Mpumalanga area. This large 1600+ game farm has soo very much to offer. It is a phenomenal retreat for anyone, offering not only Beautiful Fauna and Flora, but a host of game to go with it, over 800 animals to be specific. These range from Bus...
This amazing piece of paradise is hiding in the middle of the Mpumalanga area. This large 1600+ game farm has soo very much to offer. It is a phenomenal retreat for anyone, offering not only Beautiful Fauna and Flora, but a host of game to go with it, over 800 animals to be specific. These range from Bus...
This amazing piece of paradise is hiding in the middle of the Mpumalanga area. This large 1600+ game farm has soo very much to offer. It is a phenomenal retreat for anyone, offering not only Beautiful Fauna and Flora, but a host of game to go with it, over 800 animals to be specific. These range from Bushpigs; Duikers; few different kinds of Buck; ...
366ha of pasture land near Elandslaagte, Middelburg, Mpumalanga. The Selonsriver is flowing through the land, which give you enough water for plants and seeds, for example fruit, lucern, maize and wheat.
This property is situated close to the Stoffberg road and offers you two workshops, chalets that you can use as offices or accommodation where drivers can sleep over. It is a well maintained property with a borehole and single phase electricity.
Geleƫ 1km van Verena Park af en 3km vanaf Jackaroopark. Hierdie pragtige goed instand gehoude eiendom is in kampe vir weivelde en landerye opgedeel. Dit spog met 380V elektrisiteit, twee sterk boorgate ten volle toegerus, 2500lt Jojo tank, 150m buite geboue. Netjiese bok en bees krale en voerplekke, drukgang, elektriese omheining en sement opgaard...
Twee gerense heining kort nog 1km heining dan is die hele plaas omhein met wilds draad. Dit is op die oomblik 'n bees plaas, maar kan ook werk as 'n wildsplaas. Op die plaas is daar 'n baie mooi vier slaap kamer huis met groot afdakke geleƫ. Die afdakke is groot genoeg om implemente en trekkers te stoor. Daar is ook 'n 100m stoor en drukgang vir b...