Varkplaas van 202 hektaar naby Dealesville en ongeveer 80 km vanaf Bloemfontein af te koop
Die hoofboerdery aktiwiteit op hierdie plaas is varkboerdery, maar daar word ook met beeste geboer asook gesaai.
Hierdie plaas word as lopende saak verkoop en sluit varke en implemente in.
Die plaas spog met n 250 - 300 sogeenheid en huisves tans ongeveer
A wonderful guest farm situated in the heart of the Eastern FreeState. This property has been a popular venue for horsy people and has its own private airstrip. There is a beautiful camping facility with modern ablutions and amenities. Very popular with motorbike groups as well. The property offers self-catering chalets as well as normal rooms
If the transparency of nature, the calmness and mind blowing surroundings of the Eastern FreeState, forms part of your wish-list.....YOU HAVE ARRIVED! This spacious, farm style and warmhearted family home, will fulfill every need for the very particular lady as well as the entire family. A large cellar forms part of the house. The
189 ha Leefstylplaas in die Memel distrik te koop.
Hierdie ongerepte juweel in die Oos-Vrystaat word op die oomblik as gasteplaas bedryf en bied jou meer as net mooi natuurskoon. Hierdie karaktervolle plaas is aan die voet van die Drakensbergreeks wat bestaan uit golwende vlaktes en bergagtige gedeeltes in n hoë reënvalstreek met hoofsaaklik
The best of the best of the Vaal Riverfront Properties!! This beautifully crafted place has so much to offer, its timeless and perfect, a retreat, more than a home from home
The foliage of a lane of beautiful trees will immediately capture you to see this peaceful and special place, a sanctuary that is only an hours drive from the hustle and bustle...
Stock farm With A-frame House. Well positioned farm close to Zastron . This 97ha farm has a unique A-Frame House with storage rooms. Two boreholes with two windmills supply water to the two dams as well as one cement dam. Electricity and irrigation already in place. Cheep and Cattle can be included on negotiation.
Gasteplaas en Trou-venue naby Reitz te koop.
As jy in die gasvryhiedsbedryf belangstel en n besigheidsgeleentheid in die platteland soek is hierdie gasteplaas een van die beste beleggings waarna jy kan kyk.
Hierdie 10,67 ha eiendom is geleë naby Reitz in die Oos-Vrystaat, ongeveer 180 km vanaf Johannesburg en 300 km vanaf Bloemfontein.
Die hoof
180 ha Farmin the Reitz district for sale.
180 ha Plaas in die Reitz distrik in die mark.
Hierdie plaas is op die welbekende Tarzan pad in n bo-gemiddelde goeie saai area in die Oos-Vrystaat, 25 km vanaf Reitz, 35 km vanaf Bethlehem en 40 km vanaf Petrus-Steyn.
Die plaas bestaan uit 60 ha hoë potensiaal lande maar kan verdubbel word.
120 ha goeie
303 ha Reitz farm for sale.
Located between Reitz and Petrus-Steyn in a high rainfall area.
The Liebenbergsvlei flows through the farm. The Liebensbergvlei is fed by the Hoogland water scheme that carries water from the Katse dam to the Vaal dam. There are 50 000 m? registered irrigation rights.
There are 80 ha of arable land of which 60 ha are
454 ha Reitz plaas te koop.
Hierdie plaas is tussen Reitz en Bethlehem geleë.
Hierdie plaas het n goeie infrastruktuur met 2 gerieflike woonhuise en verskeie buitegeboue en store.
Daar is 240 ha goeie lande en 214 ha weiding.
Hierdie plaas is vroeër as melkplaas gebruik en daar is van die lande omskep in aangeplante weidings.