101 ha in die Reitz distrik in die mark.
Hierdie plaas is 35km vanaf Reitz en 50 km vanaf Bethlehem geleë in n baie goeie saaigedeelte met 60 ha hoë potensiaal lande waar daar hoofsaaklik mielies, boontjies en aartappels verbou word. Presisie kalk word toegedoen en die kontoere is in n goeie toestand.
Die plaas het goeie natuurlike gemengde
Total Size
91,1755 Ha
Portions andamp Remainder
Portion 4 of 1,0278 Haandnbsp
Portion 5 of 1,5057 Haandnbsp
Portion 6 of 15,6748 Haandnbsp
Remainder of 72,9672 Haandnbsp
Farm with Water Rights from the Renoster River.
Largest portion/section of farm (72,9672 Ha) borders on the Renoster River and is ideal for cultivating vegetables and
Farm consists of 200ha grazing with a natural fountain all year.
70 ha is Eragrostis grass
Houses on the farm
First house
4 bedrooms
1 bathroom
TV room
Living area
Second house (apartment) consists of
2 Bedrooms
1 Bathroom
Living Area
10 000L JoJo water tank with pressure pump for domestic use
The farm can be use for cattle, sheep or planting.
This farm has great potential!
3 bedroom house
Big barn
Old dairy building
1 reservoir
2 boreholes
150 hector's can be used for planting
Price: R5 200 000.00
Size: 259 h/a
Full address: Gorree Portion Of The Farm Boschplaat 259 Hectors (Hoopstad District)
Are you passionate about lions, game and wildlife ... then this investment might be just for you !! Be surrounded by more than 70 lions everyday !!!
This well known lion farm has been in the same family for more than a century and is now ready for a new owner !!
The farm is
These 2 smallholdings next to each other with spacious 4 bedroom house, rooms facing north and 2 bathrooms one en-suite, Lounge, TV room, Big kitchen, with build in cupboards and double garage. Paladades around the house with electric gate. Big shed for use of tractors, or anything else. Three phase electricity and a strong borehole with a tank
180 ha Good arable lands
40 ha Planted pastures
2 big dams
1 boreholes
1Big game camp
Feetlot for 250 sheep
4 silo's (each 90 ton) under roof
20x30 m zinc store
25x10m store
And a 5 bedroom house
416 ha by Aberfeldy in die Harrismith distrik in die mark.
Hierdie plaas is ongeveer 14 km vanaf Kestell.
Daar is 160 ha hoë potensiaallande met n 5-6 ton per hektaar langtermyn gemiddelde opbrengste op mielies. Daar is laas jaar kalk toegedien. Die kontoere is deur Chris van der Merwe gemaak.
Die drade van die plaas is in n goeie toestand
This is a 400ha farm with 215 ha high potential arable lands, Ideal for potatoes, Maize , Soya, Beans and Wheat. The 185 ha grazing is divided into 4 camps. With a carring capacity of 1/5 LSU.
* There are 12 ha of Eregrostis
* 3 x Boreholes ( 2 windmills)
* 1 x Soil dam
* 7 x Reservoirs
* 1 x Shed 6 x 12m (no roof)
* 6 x Camps with water
* Border
1149 Hektaar saaiplaas in die Bethlehem distrik in die mark.
Bemarkingsprys: R27 000 000
Hierdie 1149 hektaar plaas het 4 titelaktes wat gesamentlik of afsonderlik te koop is.
30 km vanaf Bethlehem geleë.
549 ha goeie sand-leem lande
600 ha natuurlike weiding verdeel in 17 kampe, almal met water toegerus.
n Grootvee eenheid is 3 ha
Drade is in n