Excellent warehousespace- Washbay in warehouse- Good heighten warehouse of floor to eaves 7.19 high- One roller shutter of 4.494 in height- Three offices plus reception- Kitchen and ablution- Warehouse staff ablutions- Access for trucks- Good security
Centre Point has an Industrial warehousespace to let. Occupation available immediately.The size of the available warehousespace is 2 490m2 gross rental at R 42.00 per m2.This warehousespace is suitable for use as factory, workshop or warehousespace. The building has frontage to old Pretoria main road and is also visible from Marlborough road
Warehouse available in Pomona.This is a stand-alone warehouse measuring 3995sqm. This is comprised of a very neat office component and warehouse space.The office space has a neat reception that leads into open plan offices. The first floor office space is open plan with executive offices.The warehouse has a cross-docking facility with roller doors
Warehouse available in Anderbolt. This facility is located in an access controlled industrial park. The warehouse offers 144sqm of warehouse and 30sqm office space. The office space is comprised of two medium sized offices. Large roller door on grade to access the mini unit, door height roughly 3.6 metersAblution facilities and change room.60 Amps
Warehouse available in Anderbolt. This facility is located in an industrial park. The warehouse offers 285sqm of warehouse and 55sqm office space. The office space is comprised of a reception and one medium sized office. The unit has 1 large roller door to access the warehouse.Additional ablution facilities and change rooms.100 Amps power
Warehouse available in Anderbolt. This facility is located in an access controlled industrial park. The warehouse offers 144sqm of warehouse and 30sqm office space. The office space is comprised of two medium sized offices. Large roller door on grade to access the mini unit, door height roughly 3.6 metersAblution facilities and change room.60 Amps
Newly developed industrial warehouse available in Pomona This warehouse has been newly built in Pomona and is an ideal location for a logistics company or a larger DC. The warehouse offers 487sqm ofoffice space comprising of a ground floor reception area and first-floor open plan office. The warehouse floor space offers 3874sqm, very good height
Warehouse available in Anderbolt. This facility is located in an access controlled industrial park. With Yard space.The warehouse offers 204sqm of warehouse and 60sqm office space. The office space is comprised of a reception and two medium sized offices. This unit has yard space measuring 80sqm. This can be accessed via sliding door in the
Warehouse available in Anderbolt. This facility is located in an access controlled industrial park. With Yard space.The warehouse offers 200sqm of warehouse and 88sqm office space. The office space is comprised of a reception and two medium sized offices. This unit has yard space measuring 100sqm. This can be accessed via sliding door in the
Warehouse available in Anderbolt. This facility is located in an access controlled industrial park. With Yard space.The warehouse offers 380sqm of warehouse and 74sqm office space. The office space is comprised of two medium sized offices. This unit has yard space measuring 120sqm. This can be accessed via roller door in the warehouseAdditional