Seller asking R3 300 000, will look at offers from R2 999 000. Conveniently located close to many amenities and has quick and easy access to both the N3 Eastern By-pass as well as the M1 Highway. The rear boundary wall faces Marlboro Drive, allowing quick and easy access. Vacantland available on the next the property for further extension
Vacantland in the Cove Ridge area. 1.7 h/a in extent. Front boundary is on tar road, for easy access. There are no services on the land, but the Eskom power lines run on the boundary. The land is a triangular shape.
General information on buying Bank EasySell houses:
This is a EasySell sale (Bank instructed to sell property by the current owner) and attracts transfer duty which is payable by the purchaser.
Property rates and taxes (including all arrear amounts in this regards) will be paid by the Seller until the date of registration.
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