Farm for sale near Middelburg
This lovely farm is situated about 25 km from Middelburg. This farm can be used for cattle or game.
There is game fencing around the property but no game.
Buildings on the farm include a 3 bedroom house with lapa and boma with a beautiful view and a big store room.
Please note that there is no electricity on the farm.
Hierdie goed geprysde 21 Ha plot moet nie mis geloop word nie.
Plote na aan die dorp is hoog op aanvraag.
Twee huise waarvan een 'n grasdak huis is en 'n woonstel.
Twee boor-gate en Eskom krag.
Hierdie plot is naby die dorpen teen aan die teerpad en is eintlik ideaal vir 'n besigheid of 'n klein
Die hoof huis bestaan uit sitkamer, eetkame...
Die plaas is gelee naby Elandslaagte 26km van Middelburg, Mpumalang. Moderne Plaas huis bied 4 slaapkamers, 2 badkamers n oop plan sit, eet en kombuis en spens, met 2 groot stoor kamers en n lekker stoep.
Plaas is om hein en het twee groot hoender hokke en 2 boor gate, 1 Fontein en stand houende n rivier.
Skakel my om te besigtig
This beautiful 250 ha farm is situated about 50km on the Stoffberg road.
The property consist of a three bedroom house with shed and two cement dams.
There is also 4 boreholes of which two are equipped (one with solar pump).
The farm has beautiful landscapes and is ideal for grazing.
Contact me today for a viewing.
Kimburu Bushcamp
20 ha farm next to N11 between Middelburg and Loskop Dam. Fully fenced 1.8m. Beautiful thorn trees provide a Bushveld atmosphere. 2 boreholes, ground dam and 60000l cement dam. 5 ha planted with Brazseed and 15 ha grazing.3 small camps and Stables. Cattle handling facilities
Main House 365m2 Thatch roof consist of 3 bedrooms, all e...
Saai en Weiding plaas!
Die plaas het 40ha lande en 140ha widing en 12 binne-kampe. Daar is ook 12 ton voertorings.
Daar is baie water wat afkomstig is van 'n standhoudende spruit, 5 grond damme en 3 fonteine.Die pompstasie is ook toegerus met Escom krag.
Hierdei plaas leen hom ook toe vir Eco-toerisme en beskik oor 'n saal met kroeg wat genoeg spas...
Two Family Homes with Rustic Cham on a 21 hectare
This north - facing contemporary and stylish, designed with panache homes overlooks a terrace of rocks, natural fountain surrounded by soft grass and peace of heaven.
Main House - tiled living areas, spacious country-style kitchen, spacious bedrooms, neat bathroom. This home is neat, airy and spacio...
Wild heining reg om plaas. Stand houdende riviere en drie boorgate op die plaas en gronde. Daar is 40HA saai grond waar van 10HA besproeiing grond is waar van spilpunt in gesluit is. Weiding grond is 160HA. Mooi groot 4 slaap kamer huis en 3 badkamers groot kombuis met eet en sitkamer, mooi ontwikkeld plaas teen n goeie prys.
Bees hanteering geriew...
The plot is beautifully situated next to the N4 highway and close to the industrial area. The property can be utilised for farming or re-zoned for business or Industrial purposes.
Opportunity of a life time.
Own your own piece of bush-veld heaven.
This 619 ha game fenced Farm is about 28 km from Middelburg .
This farm has a 6 bedroom farmhouse, barn and tool-shed with Eskom 3 phase electricity.
There is 2 rivers running through the Farm namely the Keerom Spruit and the Kranspoort Spruit they join halfway through the Farm and...