Buy this land and enjoy the area which provides a distinct quality of being out of the city, mostly because of the proximity of the hills that are the lower swells of the Magaliesberg.
This land is situated in Amandasig which is close to Rosslyn industrial area, Akasia medical clinic, Wonderpark Shopping Mall and other amenities.
Buy this land and enjoy the area which provides a distinct quality of being out of the city, mostly because of the proximity of the hills that are the lower swells of the Magaliesberg.
This land is situated in Amandasig which is close to Rosslyn industrial area, Akasia medical clinic, Wonderpark Shopping Mall and other amenities.
Buy this land and enjoy the area which provides a distinct quality of being out of the city, mostly because of the proximity of the hills that are the lower swells of the Magaliesberg.
This land is situated in Amandasig which is close to Rosslyn industrial area, Akasia medical clinic, Wonderpark Shopping Mall and other amenities.
Vacant land for sale with fast access to Waltloo industrial area, zonedIndustrial 1, this 2.8 ha land can be used for industrial, commercialbuildings or for retail building development. Easy access to N4highway, Watloo road, close to busy streets and many moreamenities. Property is in an Ideal location for your new business, hugeexposure to passing...
Ons nooi u uit om u droom huis in hierdie equestrian eksklusiewe veiligheids estate met pragtige uitsig van die Magalies berg reeks en heerlike oop ruimtes om u te he. Naby die hoof roetes na Pretoria en Gauteng. Goed gelee naby skole, winkel sentrums en mediese praktyke. Oorkant die bekende Jasmyn vars produkte mark.
Moenie huiwer om ons te
Ideal property to build a house for a country lifestyle. Beautiful viewAlso outstanding location for small scale farming, Construction or Transport depot,Actually this is the Ideal smallholding for any activity or lifestyle that needs space, good, arable soil and a strong boreholeJust off Lynnwood road extension and only 10 minutes out of town
4,2 Ha Corner SmallholdingMaximum visibility on Lynnwood road ext. (Graham road) and Nkwe roadTshwane's Consent land use for any PUBLIC STORAGE and facilities is in final stages of approval. Ideal property for these developments.Nice views.Excellent location in an area designated by Tshwane Municipality for future development.Only 10 to 15 minutes ...
Mountain plot with the beautiful Bronberg Mountain at the back and flat area to build a a dreamhome for a new Country Lifestyle.Indigenous trees and mountain flora with many birds.Easy access from Lynnwood road extension and only a few minutes out of townNorth facing stand with a very good locationWorthwhile viewing - Please phone me to arrange