Die baie mooi 2 slk eenheid is beskikbaar einde Desember 2020. Skakel dadelik om teleurstellng te voorkom.Fasiliteite beskikbaar : 24 uur sekuriteitPre Paid KragOntvangs met eetsaalBiblioteekSpreekkamerHaarsalonOntspanningsaalBussie na winlekswassery / skoonmaakdiensteSiekeboeg
Beautiful one bedroom one bathroom apartment for sale in the beautiful Bougainville Retirement Resort located in Montana gardensGood securityAftercare DepartmentPurchasing power15 meals per month included in the leviesandnbsp;(FOR PEOPLE OVER AGE OF 50)
3 Bedrooms
2 Bathrooms
Dining room
2 Garages with automated doors
Pre-paid electricity
Easy access to main road access
Close to sought after schools
Walking distance to Kollonade Shopping Centre
Beautiful full title house in a prime estate !!
3 spacious bedrooms
Double bathroom
Double garage with 3 parkings
Family room, living room
'Immaculate kitchen
Patio with built-in braai
Grond eenheid te huur in Bougainvilla Aftree--OordeetsaalBiblioteekBussie wat inwoners winkels toe vat24 Huur Frail careSpaar met koopkragPaniek knoppie vir NoodgevalleNaby aan Kollonade sentrum geleeskakel my asseblief vir afspraak
Nuwe jaar begin met nuwe uitdagings. Kom besigtig die mooi eenheid in Bougainvilla Aftreeoord in die Hoofgebou naby alle fasiliteite.Fasilitiete:Biblioteek24 uur sekuriteitHaarsalonSkoonheidsalonKoffiekroegKioskSorgsentrumKliniekBussie na winkels, BingoKerkdienste en soveel meer
A sunny 2 Bedroom 1 bathroom flat with spacious open plan living. Modern kitchen. Balcony and a carport.Facilities available:Frail care & Home based careClinicRestaurant with meal deliveryCoffee & Tuck shopStunning lounge and LibraryLaundry service
Lovely one bedroom garden cottage situated in Montana Tuine. This unit is alone standing view of the goose pond and other farm animals roaming around the units.Please contact me for more information...