Amazing 678 ha farm high against Paardeberg overlooking the Cape Peninsula.
Sold as a running concern, with steady income from rentals & other sources, with
room to increase. This beautiful property offers many opportunities.
310 hectares Mountainous terrain, your own nature Reserve with
Fynbos and Protea's generating a yearly income of R180 000
2082 ha Irrigation Farm in Limpopo for sale
This impressive farm is certainly one of the best in South Africa with 666 ha of irrigation lands and accommodates one of the largest most productive potato production facilities in South Africa.
Situated in a frost-free area, 40km from Ellisras, in the Waterberg catchment area, known for its deep red
This unique farm is situated between Bloemfontein, Jacobsdal and Kimberley. It has so many farming and tourism opportunities. The 620 ha has 2/3 Free State grazing and 1/3 Bushveld, perfect for cattle, sheep and game. 6 Camps are all equipped with water from strong boreholes and solar panels. There are 8 boreholes of which three produce between 40
Grab the opportunity of renovating a 200-year old historical klip building and make it your own. This historically rich building better known as die Murasie has been functioning as a well-known eatery for the past several years during the world-renowned flower season - serving the influx of tourists travelling to Namaqua National Park. You will be ...
Offering a beautiful farm with various game species. The 75h farm lends itself to further development like overnight stays, hiking, game drives etc.if you should so wish, or just live there for the sake of a wonderful peaceful lifestyle. There are 2 lovely modern homes, the main house has 4 large bedrooms 3 full bathrooms and a separate guest
Irrigated tunnel farm with vegetable business as part of the sale. Diversify your income stream by doing flowers / berries / maurijana.Vegetable business has growing plans in place to supply supermarket chains, wholesale, buy and sell. Negotiate your grow plans every 26 weeks.RUNNING CONCERNYes, the owners are VAT registered and this will be a VAT
This beautiful farm is situated in Lusthof, Vastfontein north of Pretoria. Farms in this area are sought after for the continuous water supply from the Apies Rivier. This farm has a registered servitude from the Apies River on the title deed.
Previously grapes and lucerne were farmed here and water used from the Apiesriver Servitude is used for
This 465 hectares high potential farm are situated 26 km from Riversdal in the sought after Vlakte. 260 Hectares are good quality agricultural land used to grow crops, 5 hectares are under permanent irrigation and planted with Luzern and 20 hectares of the farm are registered for water rights from the Duivenhoks river which runs directly past the
Offering a beautiful farm with various game species. The 75h farm lends itself to further development like overnight stays, hiking, game drives etc.if you should so wish, or just live there for the sake of a wonderful peaceful lifestyle. There are 2 lovely modern homes, the main house has 4 large bedrooms 3 full bathrooms and a separate guest